Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

To be eligible for financial aid, a student must make satisfactory academic progress. 教育部认为一个令人满意的学业进步政策是合理的,如果它同时满足质量和数量标准. Please review below for the eligibility requirements and FAQs for SAP. All students enrolled in any number of units who have a FAFSA, CADAA application, or have any awards posted are run through SAP annually, typically in June of each year. Students who are not meeting SAP are notified via email.

Important Note

  • All students must meet all three requirements to continue to receive financial aid

  • Student who do not meet SAP requirements are terminated from receiving financial aid for the following academic year. At the end of the following academic year, if the student earns at least 66.67 percent of attempted units and meets the GPA standard, the student will have re-qualified and is once again eligible for financial aid.

  • SAP is evaluated  at the end of each academic year, after spring semester grades are posted. All students are evaluated on the three eligibility requirements. Students who fail to meet SAP will be notified via email in June.

  • Students with a SAP appeal approved in the Fall semester 他们的SAP状态是否会在春季学期进行评估——基于你的试用期, as stated on your appeal.

How to Maintain SAP FAQsOpens in new window

Not Meeting SAP? SAP Appeal Process FAQsPDF File Opens in new window

SAP Requirement #1 - GPA
Terms Cumulative GPA
After the 2nd term 1.50
After the 3rd term 1.70
After the 4th term, Juniors, Seniors, Undergraduates beyond the 5th term, and 2nd Bachelor Degree students 2.00
Credential 2.50
Graduate 3.00

A student enrolled in an educational program for at least two academic years or more -- at the end of the second academic year the student must have a GPA of at least a "C"; which is equivalent to a 2.0.  See Registrar for grade valuesOpens in new window .  Note- WU grades are treated the same as F grades. 

SAP Eligibility Requirement # 2 - PACE calculation
Total Cumulative Earned Units * ÷ (Divided By) Total Cumulative Attempted Units * = (Equals) % Percentage Passed or Failed
23 ÷ 29 79.31% Passed
23  ÷ 44 52.27% Failed

All students are required to complete at least 66.67% of their cumulative units (earned units divided by attempted units = pace percentage).

* Important Note: Incomplete, WU, NC, RP, RD, W and F grades count toward attempted, but not completed units. Repeated coursework and transfer units count toward both attempted and completed units.

SAP Eligibility Requirement #3 - Maximum Time-Frame | Also Known As "Unit Cap"
Career Standard Time-Frame Maximum Time-Frame (150% of Standard Time-Frame) - Unit Cap
Undergraduate 120 units 180 units
Credential 30 units 45 units
Graduate** 30 units 45 units


      1. 研究生和学士学位后学生的标准单元上限是基于你的学术课程所需的单元数量. 

      2. All units are counted, even if the student did not receive financial aid; even if the units do not count for credit toward graduation. 这包括所有分级课程、转学单元、重复课程以及W、WU、I、NC和RP等级.

      3. Once the student reached the unit cap for their program, he/she is ineligible to receive financial aid.

Important Note: A student may receive financial aid up to the maximum time-frame, however, financial aid programs life-time limit policy is accounted for in the student's eligibility. 如果学生在达到最大时间框架之前用尽了任何经济援助计划,允许获得经济援助, the student will not be awarded aid to that particular program.

  •  Learn about Units CapOpens in new window totals for program requiring more than the standard number of units.

  • ** Courses numbered 500 or higher are considered "graduate courses" and are weighted at 1.5 times their units value. 单位上限为课程中所需研究生单位加权后最低所需单位的150%. Independent study courses are not weighted at 1.5 times their unit value.

  • 尝试学分的计算包括在CSUF完成的所有课程,以及在其他机构完成的所有其他可转移课程.  

Appealing for Reinstatement of Financial Aid

所有不符合SAP要求的学生都将被发送电子邮件到他们的校园电子邮件帐户. 电子邮件提供了学生被终止经济援助的原因,以及如果学生希望上诉,可以下载SAP上诉表格的链接. Students may appeal for fall and spring, but appeals are not accepted for summer. 学生可以对阻止他们满足SAP要求的情有可原的情况提出上诉. Examples of extenuating circumstances are illness, hospitalization, death in the family, or other circumstances that interfered with the student meeting SAP. 学生还必须提交一份声明,说明发生了什么变化,以及他们如何能够在下一个评估期满足SAP的要求.


Students who fail both qualitative and quantitative are required to complete both appeals, as the links to both forms will be on the student's email.


Once the appeal is reviewed, students will be notified via email whether the appeal has been approved or denied. 申请通过的学生的SAP将在学期结束时进行监控(秋季申请通过的学生在秋季结束,春季申请通过的学生在春季结束)。. 上诉被拒绝的学生将在年终SAP(春季末)进行监控,如果他们符合SAP标准,将恢复.


Appealing Process

  1. Calendar -- Be aware of key deadlines, including cancellation, disenrollment, tuition/fee refund dates, and SAP Appeal deadline etc.

  2. 写你的申诉信(请打印出来)——你的解释信应该包括导致你无法满足财务援助SAP要求的特殊情况,以及你为确保学业成功所采取的步骤.

  3. Give Examples -- In your letter, 包括你将做出的改变和/或你将使用的资源,以确保你未来的学业成功.g. EOP advising, counseling, tutoring, reduce work hours, etc.). 包括解释在您的环境中发生了什么变化,这将使您能够满足SAP. 

  4. 收集文件(提供副本)——包括文件来支持你的解释信.g. medical documentation, pay check stubs, transcripts, etc.).

  5. 与顾问会面(学术或经济援助)建议-如果您有顾虑并需要额外的帮助和指导,请与顾问会面.

  6. 提交上诉-将您填写完整的上诉表格连同您的个人打印信件和文件提交到经济援助办公室@ GH-146. 再次检查你的申诉,确保在提交之前你想要告知和提供给委员会的一切都在那里.

    • 在作出决定之前,委员会成员可能会要求提供额外的文件.

  7. Prepare a Backup Plan -- If your appeal is not approved, you may need to seek alternative enrollment options or sources of funding.


Other Information

Processing Time-frame

  • Approximately 4-6 weeks. You will be notified of the committee’s decision via email.

General Deadline Month for Submission

  • Fall Semester - October

  • Spring Semester - April

  • Summer Term - no appeals are accepted for summer

  • The SAP form have the actual date

 SAP Form

  • 强烈建议您从电子邮件中下载并打印表单,因为生成了指向特定表单的链接, which coincide with your ineligibility for financial aid. Students may be ineligible because of more then one reason.

Reviewing Your Appeal

  • 确保你了解成功完成学业的意义,以及每学期必须完成的单元数量,以保持你的经济资格. 

  • If you are approved and considering a change in your course load, 在对你的课程表做出任何调整之前,与你的学术顾问和财务援助顾问讨论你的学术计划选择.

  • 阅读您已批准的SAP申诉,以确保您遵守任何批准要求,以维持您提交申诉的学年的经济援助.

  • 通过签署和提交SAP申诉表格,您确认您理解该表格上的基本要求, including any additional requirement from your approved SAP appeal. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is CSUF's Definition of "Completed Units"?

You complete a course when you earn credit by receiving a passing grade.

The following grades does not count towards your completed units, however, they count toward attempted units:

Grades: F, NC, W, WU, AU, I, IC, U, WF, SP, RD, RP

Do remedial and repeated courses count for financial aid?

根据财政援助规定,只要你的课程成绩达到“CR”,最多可以修30个单元的补习课程. A grade of "SP" or "NC" does not count as credit earned. 

If you repeat a courseOpens in new window for which you previously received unit credit for (e.g. a grade of D or higher), you may receive financial aid for one retake of the course.  

Financial Aid policy differs from the academic policy governing repeated courses. 

How many units must I enroll in and complete to maintain eligibility for aid?

The Office of Financial Aid does not impose a minimum number of units each semester, 虽然大多数经济援助计划要求每学期至少6个单元(半日制)才能获得资金. Therefore, you may decide each semester how many units you will attempt. In deciding, consider factors such as -- employment, course difficulty, family, responsibilities, academic probation, etc. 

If I am on probation and fail to meet SAP, may I file another appeal?


As a financial aid recipient, you are required to make satisfactory academic progress toward your degree attainment.

Second appeals within the same academic year are generally not accepted if you fail to make progress, unless you have serious documented extenuating circumstances such as a death in the immediate family.